This is important to MRM. However slim the chance might be that the decision maker PTB will stop Monsanto's Roundup Ready Alfalfa, we hope you will give it a try and let your voice be heard. They, (Food Democracy Now Team) will send a letter for you. You don't have to write anything in the comments area unless you want to. Just make a few clicks and your done.
Here's what we said to President Obama and Agriculture Secretary Vilsack in the comments section that went in addition to the Food Democracy letter:
"Your decision is paramount and irreversible! We are at a pivotal time in our country's agricultural history. Our family knows that "Roundup Ready Alfalfa" will have a negative rippling affect on our nations alfalfa supply and beyond; it won't stop there. We sincerely comprehend the curse of "Roundup" despite the heavy saturation of non-truths by the chemical industry. Monsanto should not be in the Agriculture business. Too many friends are dying of cancer and we cannot afford to go deeper into this poison hell we're creating for the sake of quantity and profits over quality and longevity. Please, please, please do not let this continue further due to the heavy pressure of Monsanto lobbyists. They DO NOT have a care for what the American people demand. The power and the might aren’t always on the side of goodness. The American people do not want this; only Monsanto does. If they win, we all loose."
YOU CAN ALSO CALL PRES OBAMA & AG SEC VILSACK @ 1-202-456-1111, TODAY JANUARY 27 ONLY to voice YOUR OPINION against Monsanto's GM Roundup Ready Alfalfa. Please be polite! The line is usually busy. Keep trying please or just sign the letter.
Don't let Monsanto's GMOs Destroy Organic Dairy!
The USDA must immediately ban Monsanto's GMO alfalfa from the market and work to ensure that the organic industry is protected from genetic contamination and loss of profits and stand up for the basic rights for Americans to know what is in their food and how it's produced.
Take a stand for organics - Tell Secretary Vilsack and President Obama to reject Monsanto's GMO alfalfa. Last week we sent an urgent appeal to members of the organic, sustainable and local food community regarding the pending approval of Monsanto's genetically modified (GMO) alfalfa - a decision is expected as early as this week.
Remarkably, more than 60,000 American citizens have signed this letter calling on Secretary Vilsack and President Obama to reject the approval of this Roundup Ready crop, which according to many farmers and scientists, is a completely unnecessary technology since alfalfa, as a perennial crop, does not face the same weed pressures as annual crops such as corn and soybeans.
If you have already signed this letter, please forward this letter to 3 people who care about the integrity of organics and you know who will take action to protect it and ask that they sign it. Please help us reach 75,000 signers by the end of the day!
Since the decision could be made in the next few days, please make a phone call to a family member or friend to make sure they get a chance to sign it. And if you haven't signed, please sign here:
Let Secretary Vilsack and President Obama know that this is a vital issue for you and your family; to have a guarantee that you have organic food that is not contaminated by GMOs, which are prohibited under the USDA organic standards.
As previously mentioned, Secretary Vilsack and the USDA have proposed two courses of action, either full deregulation of Monsanto's GMO alfalfa or a plan for the "coexistence" of GMOs alongside organic and non-GMO crops. Unfortunately, both outcomes will result in genetic contamination of organic crops and threatens to undermine the ability for organic dairy farmers and other livestock sectors to find adequate feed for their animals to maintain organic certification.
Already Monsanto and the biotech industry have bristled at the idea that the USDA would dare propose any limitations on their ability to plant its genetically modified seeds anywhere in farmer's fields across the country, despite the well known and scientific evidence that if allowed to be planted, GMO alfalfa will certainly contaminated organic and non-organic crops. Their arrogance is so great they have even called for Secretary Vilsack to be fired over his coexistence proposal.
At the same time, some in the organic industry, including Whole Foods and Stonyfield Farms are calling for the adoption of Secretary Vilsack's coexistence plan. While we appreciate their efforts to guarentee that organic and conventional farmers whose crops are contaminated receive fair and just economic compensation, we believe that all American farmers have the right to not have their fields contaminated and that understanding the real world of how nature works, compounded by human error, the current proposal for coexistence is unworkable.
Please join more than 60,000 Americans, family farmers and organic consumers across the country in telling them that the genetic contamination and potential loss of the organic dairy sector is not worth the risk. It's time to stand up to Monsanto and the biotech bullies and place a moratorium on GMO alfalfa in order to protect the organic dairy industry, organic consumers and the environment.
Thanks for taking the time today to stand up for organic farmers and the integrity of the organic industry. Please forward this email to any family member or friend that you know cares about the future of our food and the planet. The decision by the USDA is expected at any moment - please act today.
Thanks for participating in food democracy,
Dave, Lisa and the Food Democracy Now! Team